Sunday, March 16, 2014

Daily Prayer

Rise, and do not be afraid.

Jesus, I am grateful
to have this gospel this Sunday.
It’s been a tough Lent so far.
You know how easily I get discouraged,
and the recent gospel readings--
especially the ones where you reveal
your very high expectations for your disciples--
can easily leave me discouraged.

That’s why it is so helpful
to peek ahead to the end of the story--
to see beyond struggle and dying
and to get a glimpse of the glory to come.

Thank you for taking me up the mountain
with Peter, James, and John.
Thank you for the vision
of the transfiguration
that will help me
keep my eyes on the goal.

But help me to remember as well,
that the path to that goal leads me
down all the dusty roads of my life,
and straight through all the large
and small ways I struggle
to live your life in my own.

And whether I am
on top of the mountain
or down in the valley,
help me to heed the
voice who calls to me,
“This is my beloved Son…
listen to him.”

And whether I am
on top of the mountain
or down in the valley,
let me listen and hear you say:
“Rise, and do not be afraid.”

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