Sunday, July 5, 2009

More to come!

Things are not getting better at work and the worst thing about it is I am not sure of the boss really cares. It seems that as long as he has money to keep up his imaginary millionaire lifestyle he does not care about the rest of us. One coworker was alleged by the bosses for lack of performance and was told he was going to be written up and have the report in his file. It appears they want to justify a long time employee's firing.
Not sure what is going on as the sales staff has lots of quotes but never does them on time nor do they ever follow up.
The worst out of this is that we us being told that we have to close down for a week with no pay the boss brings in his daughter's boyfriend to work and he is getting paid. Seems we are being fed a line of BS to save the boss a big chunk of money!
Only good thing is one more week and then off to Florida for vacation. Of course I would not have gone had I known earlier that we were going to close down but it was too late and would have cost money to cancel the reservations at the resort. We will be more prudent with the money and cut back on what we do but the time off will help me relax. When we return I will dedicate the week off to finding work where the environment is more stable. Even my suppliers are surprised that we are not busy as our competitors are picking up. Lots of prayers are needed by all and especially by myself but the Lord has been good to me in guiding me through this difficult time!

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