Tuesday, March 17, 2009

That was strange!

So the weekend has come and gone, uneventful as most weekends are. Saturday go to gym workout, run down to mall with daughter shop a bit then run out with my wife for some shopping at Costco.
Sunday on to mass where I do a bit of assistance as I run the big screen with the parts of mass that Father B wants up. For example the hymns, Lord's prayer, The Creed etc. also the weekly announcements. Generally it is a crap shoot as the people at the parish who put this together have a different sense of what should be in the mass so some Sundays we with Father B get the occasional surprise. Generally I now take a quick scroll through to make sure everything is up to snuff.
Father B did deliver a great homily about where and what the church is and really boiled down to the church being a building no different from the one next door or the one 3 blocks over. Basically just an address. It is the Eucharist the body of Christ that makes the church/building holy and he went on to explain that we could hold mass in a gym or a store and it would be holy because of the Eucharist. Also the other key is that we have the faith and that this faith carries with us where ever we go. He talked about how due to lack of faith in today's world how unholy and non religious the world has become. Really something to ponder.
Father B also touched on how people come to church. By this he meant some come because they want to be spiritually strong and be close to God. Others come because they are unsure others come just for the sake of being seen and using the opportunity to be big shots and falsely portray themselves as believers. Then there are the ones who show up at the Easter or Christmas mass and think they are in tune with the church and its teachings. He mentioned how our strength should be through the church but it is not.
After mass I went over to thank Father B for the mass and just quickly touch on how well the screening of items for the mass went and as always he was quite happy to spend time and chat with me when he dropped a bombshell on me. He asked me if I ever considered becoming a deacon. Well I almost feinted. Me a deacon? Father B says he thinks I would make a good one, me I wonder if he had too much wine at Communion. Right now all I now is I have an extremely long way to go before even seriously considering such as thing. I have a lot of years to catch up on.
I think for now I will be happy with helping out at my parish with what ever I can and see if I can get there as I said there are many years for me to catch up on with the church and in this journey which is only slightly more than 2 years old there is still a lot to learn about the church and myself.
In closing it was a strange event to me with Father B coming to me about becoming a Deacon, even stranger my wife said she thinks Father B has a good line of thinking and is looking for help at the parish but in a different light for me because he sees that I do not get involved in the politics and anything I do at the church is straight from the heart and out of love for the church and for God. Me a deacon? Hmmmm?
Take Care!

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