Sunday, July 24, 2011

Daily Life Continues

I have not posted too much personal talk lately. Not sure why I guess regular comment of too busy etc. Actually does not really cut it but a convenient excuse none the less.
I really have found my inner struggles to be deep and very demanding, I have noticed mood swings from depression to euphoria but never found a good constant to give with day by day.
I have even struggled in accepting the Lord recently even though every day I read the Scriptures and readings for mass and I pray but sometimes that does not sink in.
It has been very rough the last 12 months since my dad passed and I am having constant marriage issues with my wife and some days I feel like even the Lord has abandoned me. With my non driving issue I can't really go to church on my own either and every Sunday it is a giant argument to get to church a little bit early.
At church I do the follow along mass cards on the big screen and also light the candles at the Altar and put the hymn numbers up and other small things to try to help Mass go off without a hitch. I also revel in the solitude that I can have there with my Lord but my better half does not understand and she does not get how 5-10 minutes of solitude with our Lord builds me up to enable me to get through the week. To me it is a fountain of strength that I can tap into and have become dependent on it. But the constant arguing to go on time is killing me.
So there are my problems small for some major for me (maybe I am becoming a drama queen?) If anyone has suggestions to help me through please send down.
Take Care and God Bless!

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