Sunday, September 25, 2011

Internal Struggles

It must be fall time as this is when I usually have a titanic internal struggle. This time it is huge. Some days I wonder am I on the right path? Do I need this path? If this is the right path why is it so difficult and at times fruitless? The last few weeks have been hard and on top of this now I am having struggles if I should continue to keep going to my little Hungarian parish. Father L has again changed times of mass and not brought back the 9:00 am mass. He has also cleaned house which was needed but has aligned himself with some even more questionable people then the ones he swept out and appears to be talking out of both sides of his mouth now. I will have to dig deeper into this to be sure as right now this is what appears to be on the surface.
 The other week I went to the local parish which is an English Polish parish and enjoyed the mass and it was better attended than any of the ones we have at the Hungarian Parish. To top it of it was at 8:00 am. I was home at 9:10 and had a great day with my family.
 So it is a struggle not needed right now as mentioned I am having my annual internal struggle as to where I am in God's world and if I should be there.
 Please help and pray that these things will work out because I have been praying hard. Take care and God Bless!

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