Monday, October 5, 2009

More on No News

Just a quick update. You know the old saying inquiring minds want to know. So I asked someone who thinks he is important at the parish as to when we get a new parish priest. He said any week as far as he knew but did not know when that would be. He thinks they will be informed when the priest arrives at the airport from Hungary.
Now just to be thorough I asked what if the Bishop decides to close the parish. The answer was astounding. We won't allow that, there is no reason to close us down we will get our own priest then and the Bishop will be forced to keep us going. Okay thanks for the info at least we now know why the parish is under consideration to be closed and to me it is ironic how so many people are in the "know" but know nothing! Now at least you know my concerns about the parish and if it will indeed be existing.
Father G who as mentioned has to be in his 80's does a magnificent job every Sunday and is prepared and delivers wonderful homilies but at times you can see he is tiring during the mass and has physical trouble due to age but he does give his all.
On another note the Rosary group has asked my wife to join them for prayer before Sunday mass. I thought this was great and will certainly strengthen us as a couple as well as I am sure I will pray along with them!
The power point is going well and I have added a couple of very subtle changes which seems everyone appreciates and is funny that when Father B started the power point presentation for the mass it was met with huge resistance and now if I was not to do it I might get attacked!!
So that is it for this weekend on my parish, we just keep rolling along but for how long?

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